The characteristic white bloom of the Peace Lily is said to be how it received its common name, representing the white flags of a ceasefire. This is recognised as one of the best plants for improving air quality, removing toxins such as formaldehyde, ammonia and carbon monoxide from the air. The flowers of a Peace Lily are in fact specially adapted leaves called a bract. It is native to South America and from the same family as a Flamingo Flower.
How to Keep me Happy
Light: I like bright indirect light, but am ok in shadier spots
Water: I like my soil to be kept moist
Expert level: I’m perfect for those new to plant parenthood
Sizing: W24cm x H90-100cm
Air purifying: I remove the nasties lurking in your room
Pet-friendly: Keep me out of reach of furry friends and little people
Also known as: Spathiphyllum wallisii
Decorative pot not included.
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